The last chat I saw was dated 23rd of June last year, and no, she never said 'goodbye' cause the way she was talking was basically that she wasn't going to be doing any 'naughty' stuff in member shows until she was 'back in action', she was saying that she'd been in touch with her photographer and was going to Palm Springs later in the summer to shoot new content in another one of those rental houses, so by taking her at her word I've always thought she would come back after her school graduation, so to me at the time, it didn't sound like she had any intentions of totally quitting, she was always apologising for not doing much but kept assuring everybody
(in the member chats) that she wasn't going anywhere, that's why I kept posting on here to keep the interest up, and like a sucker I stayed a member of the site.
I heard about the retirement from a friend online but we'd already sort of speculated that she'd quit because of the length of time that had passed, I'm not going to berate her too much though because I've got no idea why she retired other than what she said on twitter, just wish she wouldn't have left it so long before confirming it.
Really wish I could've had some proper one-to-one time with her but I'd never got the time or cash to get what I wanted and the custom shows seemed a bit expensive.
Like I've said in an earlier post I'm absolutely gutted about her retiring but
life goes on! 
I wish her all the best whatever she does in the future and hopefully, one day maybe, she might come back!