I'd sure like to hope so but then again she hasn't updated her Twitter account in six days.
http://www.imagebam.com/image/6e8c3d530039381 This resembles the Gisele we used to know, for me anyway. It communicates something of her personality as well as her looks.
At least we've some evidence she hasn't gone away completely and can still bring it when she wants to. :yoda:
I was wondering about her social media silence too. Quite unusual for her. Maybe she's on vacation? She used to give such updates using Twitter but perhaps they are now reserved for her faithful G-Men site members.
Why she'd post an image that makes her look like a sloppy drunk is beyond me. This one makes you want to put her to bed to sleep it off rather than take her to bed for a good hard romp.
Much more appealing.
I see the member site finally got updated... :nanner:
I saw she looked much thinner in that second shot but didn't (and should have) realize(d) it was an older image. 'Guess I missed it back then.Yes, I guess that "update" (announced since December) brings nothing new worth watching. The fact that the second link brings a photo from almost two years ago speaks volumes about how much the quality of her content has dropped.