Xbox 360 mark II ?

Its supposed to be out this week in the U.S., mid July for the U.K.
Microsoft said in their press conference yesterday that it would ship to retailers yesterday, so you should see it this week or next. The older skus are dropping $50.
I finally bought a 360 yesterday and they unveil the slim. Now I have to wait and get a refund and get that lol.


what the fuck you lookin at?
It'll RROD like all the rest
It'll RROD like all the rest

The RROD was an issue for the first Xbox 360's created when it was released. Since that time, the RROD has decreased by more than half, and the last thing I've seen issues have been reported at about 20-25 percent, most of those being Xbox's that are 3 or more years old. I've had my Xbox for three years with no problems. My borther has had one for five years with very little issues. And friends that have had their's just as long with no issues with the RROd. The RROD is just a PS3 fan boy's failing attempt at trying to bash the Xbox.


what the fuck you lookin at?
The RROD is just a PS3 fan boy's failing attempt at trying to bash the Xbox.

It's backed by facts and figures. The RROD was a major issue, not so much now, but it's still a problem.

And how do you know this??

I bet these won't RROD because MS have already tried to address that problem with the current HDMI models and will have made sure this new design won't suffer from the RROD.

A friend of mine bought an elite cause his launch model took a shit. Same thing happened to his elite that was suppose to be immune to the RROD
My 360 slim arrived yesterday and I like it so far. It looks cool and the controller it comes with is all black. I only have a couple games atm. I almost started playing Fable or KOTOR again lol.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Saw it and thought about it, but decided to buy a new ps3 after my old one croaked after 3 years. I sold my xbox 3 years ago, it seems a backwards step to buy one again. Plus I have lots of DLC I can get back for my new PS3.