X-Art (x-art.com)

Can't you just see that mostly all of your links are already listed here in the thread?
It's becoming really annoying to get updates on the thread and knowing that there's no new content to watch......

Dude, that is just plain rude .... no excuse for behavior like that ... if you don't like the links go elsewhere -- there's no rule that Drake has to check to see what's posted
Dude, that is just plain rude .... no excuse for behavior like that ... if you don't like the links go elsewhere -- there's no rule that Drake has to check to see what's posted

even his own? twice or triple times?
Plus, if you like x-art enough to check the thread, you already know what's already been posted so you don't have to bother yourself to copy the links again.
Another plus, i not saying it's not okay to post already posted links it happens to everyone it's hard to know everything exatcly, but have you seen how much he's mostly the only who's posting for a couple of weeks?
I wasn't rude on him, I know drakem from other threads and he's good at spreading new stuff, but for x-art he can just relax the tempo for the better of the collection of galleries here from x-art