Wtf is wrong with me??

What are you going on about? Your tits are hu-

Wait a minute.... :facepalm:



Official Checked Star Member
from pretty confident and secure chick to insecure jealous bitch!

What should I do to stop feeling so insecure? Has anyone else gone from being fairly confident to not at all after entering a new relationship?


It sounds like love to me. Nothing wrong in discovering jelousy as long as it doesn't become possession. I actually find that prettu healthy.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Psssht, are you kidding me?!? I've seen watermelons bigger than your boobs! :D :boobies:

:1orglaugh :1orglaugh
Well I've never seen watermelons bigger than your balls soooo :p

Ok so I know this is only my 3rd post and you don't know me from Eve... But I think that as women we all have those times of insecurity, no matter how well adjusted we usually are. As a cam girl I make money all day off of my looks (and of course my kick ass personality), but that doesn't stop me from having days of "I wish I was taller/shorter/thicker/thinner/lighter/darker/smarter/dumber blah blah blah."
It doesn't make you any less strong, well adjusted, or truly confident. It just makes you human. Embrace your body and just relax.
**Besides, I'd kill for your flat tummy!

Thanks Aria :) I really appreciate your advice, it's nice to have some reassurance from other girls that it's normal every once in a while. Welcome to the board! :)

What are you going on about? Your tits are hu-

Wait a minute.... :facepalm:


:facepalm: Didn't I already say that if I was fishing for compliments I would've just posted a picture of my boobs or something? Like I said earlier, I really like getting advice from you guys, wether that advice has a compliment or criticism is irrelevant..

It sounds like love to me. Nothing wrong in discovering jelousy as long as it doesn't become possession. I actually find that prettu healthy.

Thanks Sabrina :) Its nice to know other people get jealous occasionally too.


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:facepalm: Didn't I already say that if I was fishing for compliments I would've just posted a picture of my boobs or something? Like I said earlier, I really like getting advice from you guys, wether that advice has a compliment or criticism is irrelevant. got me. I didn't really feel like reading all of your posts.

My advice: appreciate what you have and kill your boyfriend. Just because.


Closed Account
How do you think he would react if he knew you were worried about this? If he`s worth his salt he`d go out of his way to reassure you. I`ve always worried that my own g/f would think I was less keen on her if I made appreciative comments about other womens` boobs but however much I might like to empty my balls over Holly Willoughby`s vast tits, it`s my g/f`s that I want to play with and that I`m with her because I want to be.
:1orglaugh :1orglaugh
Well I've never seen watermelons bigger than your balls soooo :p

Let that be a lesson to all you kids out there: if your mom tells you not to play near the microwave, listen to her. :(
In regards to your original post, Nikki, I don't think you are being ridiculous or silly or paranoid, or anything of the sort. Society has trained women to be insecure in many ways. For example, at a formal party, a man and women come in, and everyone looks first at the woman, and not to notice anything nice. Everyone looks critically, to see what flaws are visible. No one notices the fact that the man didn't shave closely, so has stray stubble. No one notices the man has creases in his jacket. But everyone in the room notices that the woman has too much cleavage, is too flat, didn't shave her legs, is too tan/not tan enough, etc. etc. etc..

I have a son, and while I would have loved any child I had, I'm really glad for him that he's a guy. Though there are certainly challenges for young guys, I think they have it so much easier than young girls. The body shape issues alone (let alone all sexual stigma) are enough to drive anyone crazy.

I mention all these things because they are all conditioning. We are all conditioned to be critical of how women look. I think that women transfer that conditioning to be critical of themselves, too. And I think it is easy to find something negative about a woman's body - especially your own.

Having said all that, there is no doubt in my mind that you are your own worst critic. It's easy to say don't be insecure, it's impossible to tell you how to accomplish that. Instead, perhaps when you feel insecure about your own body, keep in the positive comments you've received. So, even if you don't always see the good bits of yourself, other people are noticing good things (and no, not just bewbies).

Blah blah blah. You'd think I feel strongly about this issue or something.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Dirk, don't forget those soul piercing eyes.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
How do you think he would react if he knew you were worried about this? If he`s worth his salt he`d go out of his way to reassure you. I`ve always worried that my own g/f would think I was less keen on her if I made appreciative comments about other womens` boobs but however much I might like to empty my balls over Holly Willoughby`s vast tits, it`s my g/f`s that I want to play with and that I`m with her because I want to be.

He does try and reassure me, I guess it's just nice to hear it from other guys that it's truth and he's not just saying these things..

Let that be a lesson to all you kids out there: if your mom tells you not to play near the microwave, listen to her. :(

:1orglaugh :1orglaugh :1orglaugh
Oh GSB :)

In regards to your original post, Nikki, I don't think you are being ridiculous or silly or paranoid, or anything of the sort. Society has trained women to be insecure in many ways. For example, at a formal party, a man and women come in, and everyone looks first at the woman, and not to notice anything nice. Everyone looks critically, to see what flaws are visible. No one notices the fact that the man didn't shave closely, so has stray stubble. No one notices the man has creases in his jacket. But everyone in the room notices that the woman has too much cleavage, is too flat, didn't shave her legs, is too tan/not tan enough, etc. etc. etc..

I have a son, and while I would have loved any child I had, I'm really glad for him that he's a guy. Though there are certainly challenges for young guys, I think they have it so much easier than young girls. The body shape issues alone (let alone all sexual stigma) are enough to drive anyone crazy.

I mention all these things because they are all conditioning. We are all conditioned to be critical of how women look. I think that women transfer that conditioning to be critical of themselves, too. And I think it is easy to find something negative about a woman's body - especially your own.

Having said all that, there is no doubt in my mind that you are your own worst critic. It's easy to say don't be insecure, it's impossible to tell you how to accomplish that. Instead, perhaps when you feel insecure about your own body, keep in the positive comments you've received. So, even if you don't always see the good bits of yourself, other people are noticing good things (and no, not just bewbies).

Blah blah blah. You'd think I feel strongly about this issue or something.

I definitely agree with you, men aren't held to the standards that women are, most guys can roll out of bed and go in the morning where as most females have to pick an outfit, do their hair, fix their make up etc etc
I didn't know you had a son :) You're right though, he's lucky he's a boy! Lol

Dirk, don't forget those soul piercing eyes.

Thanks L3ggy :D
I definitely agree with you, men aren't held to the standards that women are, most guys can roll out of bed and go in the morning where as most females have to pick an outfit, do their hair, fix their make up etc etc
I didn't know you had a son :) You're right though, he's lucky he's a boy! Lol

Well Nikki, when you do agree with the post of Dirk (as I do) there is not really a problem, is there? It shows you are not acting ridiculous or paranoid or silly or crazy, or anything else. It shows you know what society is about nowadays and so it also shows you realize men do watch women closely. That also involves looking at other womens asses, boobs and bodies. And so, let's be honest, you met the right guy, he even admits to it. I know lot of men who wouldn't share these 'attentions' with their girl.
Jealousy is pretty normal as well when you love that person, especially when you know he 'checks' on other women, but then again, why bother? He's with you, isn't he? And he loves you. I might be into big boobs, but I'm sure if you put two women in front of him (you and a big boobed one), he would surely choose you. Love comes before big boobs. Men like watching and comparing, so what? After all, they all go back home with the very same girl they came with and are in love with.
As for your breast correction, I wouldn't do it when you want to do it because he's into big boobs. You only have to go for it when you want it yourself 100%. Don't change your looks through an operation to please someone (even if you love that one) else. This has to be your and your decision alone.
Don't worry about it or overthink. People always talk about ideals they'd like but once you get that they quickly become bored and want something else, look how many of these top celebs like J-Lo, Aniston and Scherzinger have all had failed relationships leaving millions of men worldwide to wonder how their men let them go, just goes to show there is much more to a relationship than just physical appearance. I suspect your bf is assuming your relationship is a lot more open than it is and thinks that you would be cool with him talking about other women, he probably doesn't realise the impact it is having on you so maybe you should let him know? In general especially in the media there is a lot of pressure placed on womens' appearance and it almost seems that nothing is right, I think most guys in a serious relationship don't care too much about their partners appearance and I think women can be their own worst critics. Men can be guilty of saying stupidly offensive things to their partners and often don't realise it may cause offensive and I think some women (and men) seem to over analyse ever remark someone makes to the extent they create a situation that doesn't even exist, the times I've seen my sisters draw crazy conclusions over one sentence someone said to them in passing...:facepalm: