Torn & Frayed.
Yeah, that's the tradeoff. Other than between the months of June thru September we're in a perpetual state of cloud cover, drizzle or rain.
Sounds like my kind of place. The sunshine bores the daylights out of me....
Yeah, that's the tradeoff. Other than between the months of June thru September we're in a perpetual state of cloud cover, drizzle or rain.
Next time you're across the pond visit Seattle and the Puget Sound area in Washington State. It's breathtaking gorgeous up here
I guess I am a freak but I like New Jerseyans
I love Seattle and could live there if it weren't for the rain. way too often for me. I need sunshine at some point in every day. born n raised in LA and then living in Florida it's a way of life for me. But I do love Seattle and Oregon and Northen California
Your state also has some of the best "untaxed liquor" in the world (so I hear - I wouldn't personally know)... well, just AFTER my state, that is! Plus my girl and her family are from there... and you're not West Virginia D), so you're OK by me.
Whether it's their country, their state, their town/county, their school, their favorite football team, their political party of choice, people just like to be on a "team". And they like to brag about how great their team is doing... even if they're personally sitting on the bench for the whole game
The richest county in America, and 5 of the top 10 richest counties in America, are in my state. But since I wasn't one of the richest people in Fairfax County when I lived there, what the hell does it matter? :dunno: It's like bragging that the Rams beat the Bears. But since I didn't catch any touchdown passes, who gives a crap?
I don't get it. I'm from one of the best AND worst states in the country, California. Horrible traffic, crowded as a mutha fucka, horrible economics, high taxes with very little in return, yet beautiful and the most geographically diverse state in the USA. I am from there, yes. But do I pledge my loyalty to it and claim it to be the best? of course not. Who gives a fuck about being so proud of the state from which you come?
Let's take Texas for example. Businessmen in suits wearing cowboy boots? Really? The way they proclaim their undying devotion for their state even though it's governed by a clueless bible beating dip shit is amazing to me. One of the congressman recently claimed that he can finally provide real proof that abortion should be illegal BECAUSE FETUSES AS YOUNG AS 15 WEEKS MASTURBATE IN THE WOMB!!!!!!!!!!!
People from New York are the rudest loudest most obnoxious in the country. I can say this because my entire family is from Brooklyn. New Yorkers who live in Florida will be the first to tell you how great New York is, and I always ask "then why are you living in Florida?" they rarely have an answer other than the weather.
People from Boston have the WORST accents (plus the fucking Red Sox), with Chicago being a very close second barely beating out anyone from the south. people who say shit like "I ain't got none" are sinking the south in the accent contest, but the south has an entirely different pride that is just as stupid and senseless as those Texas chili-eating meat heads. The south flies confederate flags, proudly. License plate brackets say "the south will rise again" what exactly are they wanting to rise?? the only thing they lost in the war was the right to own other people. So other than wishing to once again own them a fleet of big buck ******s and house Mammi's, what else could they be proclaiming???
You don't hear people from the Dakotas bragging much, or Iowa or Ohio or Michigan. It seems to be these 4 or 5 states / regions that seem to have some stupid love affair with their home state. taxes is brutally hot in the summer, most of it is flat as a 6 year old girl and has horrible crime and illegals clogging the system, not to mention GW Bush lives there. California cripples people's hopes of starting a business and also has illegals draining the states economy. New York is just a giant garbage dump with pockets of nice areas and a lot of good restaurants. People from Jersey can't proclaim their loyalty and love because of those tanning bed buffoons on that stupid TV show, and well, because of Newark and Trenton being the murder capitals of the north east.
If you have some love affair with your home state let's hear why. Let's hear what make your state better than the others.
and by the way, if you refer to California as "Cali" then you're a douche. No one FROM California calls it Cali. You're just showing your lame attempt at sounding hip.
Next time you're across the pond visit Seattle and the Puget Sound area in Washington State. It's breathtaking gorgeous up here:
I love Seattle and could live there if it weren't for the rain. way too often for me. I need sunshine at some point in every day. born n raised in LA and then living in Florida it's a way of life for me. But I do love Seattle and Oregon and Northen California
The 'greatness' of our country is ingrained in us from early grade school. I don't think it's even intentional, but it's very much like a subtle propaganda machine all the same; it took me leaving the country for the first time to realize it, and I grew up in far from the most 'patriotic' city. The individual state stuff is something else I can't comment on, because Oregon boasts about nothing. But fun fact for those who don't follow cycling (I don't): for Lance Armstrong's wins of the Tour de France, it was not the flag of the US but Texas he waved.I am wondering the same thing about the US in general. Whats up with the flag waving and patriotism in general for fuck sake. I never see people in other countries waving their flags and having them on the front of their houses. We dont play the national anthem before every fucking football game. We don't shout *COUNTRY NAME COUNTRY NAME COUNTRY NAME* whenever we get the chance. Are we less proud of our countries?
Oh, and then there's Ohio. I've only been to Columbus, which is not my cup of tea, but it's alright. The zoo was fun!
Sense of identity?I don't get it... Who gives a fuck about being so proud of the state from which you come?
Hate to tell you Rattrap but the rain keeps the smog out of the air by putting it all over the ground.
Puh-leeze Roald! Acting like the USA is the only country that displays national pride. Did you watch the Olympics last year? There were more Union Jacks flying than at a Def Leppard concert. The cameras were constantly panning to show those royal welfare recipients Kate Will and Harry and the cotdam Queen parachuted into the ceremonies. All the music was British . Have you euer watche the World Cup when Venezuela and Brazil hook up for a game of grass fairy?
Only where people live. There's plenty of "tiny-town" America east of the Rockies.georges your conservative ass would HATE Oregan and Washington. Ultra-liberal!
Yeah. I suspect with America being such a big country, this becomes more defined or specific. Having never been over there, I get an impression America could be a number of different countries rolled into the one land. I don't know, I'm just saying.a sense of identity because of where you are from?
When I used to tell Brits that I was from Oregon, they'd first ask me where it was, and then if it was where oregano comes from. It only works with the British pronunciation, which is basically Oregon-o.
I don't know, maybe IF I was there long enough the humidity would get past me, but I doubt it. And about the oceans and beaches, I got stung by a damn jelly fish the first time I swam in the Gulf! Never felt good about it ever since. Nah, not my thing at all, the salty ass ocean.Hate to tell you Rattrap but the rain keeps the smog out of the air by putting it all over the ground.
Florida humidity is outrageous at first, but once you get used to it you learn to love it. Nothing like taking your dog out at 3 in the morning and it's still 80 degrees. its also much better for your skin than someplace dry like Arizona or Texas or Nevada.
I've been to 43 states and of them all I have a few choices. For overall beauty I have to say Alaska. I went up in a sea plane and we lake hopped into the most incredible wilderness imaginable. The coast line is just breath taking. For overall things to do you can't deny California as the best. Beach, mountains, dessert, skiing all within an hour of one another. If you have ever been to Carmel and Napa you will agree that there are few places more beautiful. The best beaches in the world are in Florida. Every year there is a beach in Florida either #1 or #2 and several in the top 10. Ft Desoto beach is just beautiful. The Keys have Caribbean quality water. The sun shines over 300 days a year. It's hot and humid yes, but if you enjoy being outdoors and have a boat it's unbeatable.