June 29, 2008
WWE Women's Championship Match
Mickie James (c) vs. Katie Lea Burchill
WWE Women's Champion
Mickie James comes out first with her title. Next is Katie Lea Burchill with Paul. Jack Doan calls for the bell and we're underway. Katie Lea gets a quick backslide and a couple of one counts. Michael Cole teases that Katie might be in Mickie's head with two pinfall victories. They do some spots on the mat before Mickie gets a roll-up bridge for a one count. Mickie works over the challenger with her arsenal. Mickie goes to the top rope but Katie goes to the outside to regroup. Mickie jumps down and calls her back to the ring. Katie gets back in and gets a quick cover off a distraction from Paul Burchill. Big baseball slide in the ring from Mickie onto Katie Lea. Katie goes back to the outside. Back in quick as she hits an arm bar suplex. Katie stomps
Mickie James who is on the mat. Mickie gets back to her feet only for Katie to mount more offense. Katie throws Mickie shoulder first into the turnbuckles, Mickie sells on the mat.
Paul Burchill screams from ringside as Katie gets a two count. Burchill tells Katie Lea to rip Mickie's arm off as she applies an arm submission hold on the mat. Mickie gets back to her feet and takes out Katie Lea. She hammers away with right hands. Arm drag take down from Katie Lea to a quick one count. Katie attacks Mickie in the corner and throws her to the opposite. Mickie counters with a kick and a hurricanrana. Mickie hits a clothesline as she sells her left arm. Mickie gets a cover for a two count. She goes for her DDT but she ends up getting caught in a submission maneuver on her arm. Mickie tries to get out but Katie applies it again. They've lost the crowd as Katie Lea works on Mickie. She goes for a suplex and eats the tornado DDT. Three count from Mickie to retain.
Winner and still WWE Women's Champion,
Mickie James