Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
I have to admit that those pics are alright, although I am not much of a fan of Ashley. I would have to say that she is very overrated. If she were to get rid of the tats and the lip rings she would be a whole lot hotter. I am also not liking her very much anymore because of the fact that, just because she is posing in Play Boy, she gets to feud for the Womans Championship. Thus knocking Mickie James outta the title run, which I'd have to say is one of the worst things ever
Yeah I gotta agree with you on the lip rings,the title run,Mickie James cause I love me some Mickie James.But its just so hard to say too many negative things about Ashely cause she's still pretty and of course cause she's naked.I know I am jumping the gun abit but I would love to see Mickie James in playboy next year
BTW the last pic,I swear