Soon to be an ex-wrestling chick, of course. A shame, her storyline with Eve, build towards their title match and eventual Kaitlyn title win/Eve leaving in a strop, is probably the only time they've assembled something decent with an actual payoff with the (main) female roster, since the days of Lita VS Trish. The match was good, and I was pleased to see Kaitlyn finally win, but very quickly she just became a vehicle to get AJ over. They haven't got a clue how to book a womens' division. Mind you, that's Western womens' wrestling for you. The Knocksout division was interesting and competitive when Scott D'Amore was booking it, but that's forever ago now.
If you're into Kaitlyn and her powerful thighs, lots of good fitness shoots under her real name, Celeste Bonin.