Would you want to know?

Would you want to know how and whan you'd die?

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If you could know for sure exactly how and when you life would end, would you want to know?

I don't think I'd want to know.
No, I would not, Id just let death come.

I really do not get it when, terminally ill patients ask doctors how long they have left, if it was me I wouldnt want to know and just go when my time comes and not have a specific date to look forward to :rolleyes:

Although ive never been in that situation so I should probably shut the fuck up :D
Nope. What if you knew your death was going to be horrific, like burning to death in a car accident or being buried alive? The quality of your remaining life would be destroyed by the worry and anxiety. Again, no... I'd rather be clueless.
i think its all subjective until it happens to you.
of course we can all "guess" but never really know what we'd do in this situation


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo way.

I'd like to think I have control over my life, knowing there is already a plan for my death would ruin that.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I voted "yes". I mean, we all know that we're going to die someday, so why not know when? :dunno:

If you were going to die next month, wouldn't you want to know about it? That way, you could spend the rest of your days making adjustments to benefit your surviving loved ones? Will adjustments, bank account adjustments, etc. Also, wouldn't you want to let your loved ones know how much you love them?

Personally, I would like to know.
I also voted yes.

At least when I know when I'm going to die then I can at least prepare for it.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Fuck no! I like surprises!
Good question, but the answer is NO. I'd spend the rest of my time thinking about that, and how close it was/wasn't, and how little/much time I had left. I wouldn't be able to focus on life. Look, just knowing it's going to happen is enough for me.

Don't need any more details than that.
I'd like to know how and where and when I'd die. So on the day of, I can just not show up lol.
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Unless I was going to die of something other than old age, I would probably rather not know. I try to live my life as best I can regardless.
Well, it would be nice to know so you can plan accordingly. I mean, I wouldn't make plans for Saturday if I knew I was gonna die on Friday.

Will E Worm

I'd rather have control over when or if I died. Also, I wish I could have controlled the direction of my life from the beginning.
GOD Yes, especially if it's from a grizzly bear attack on a future Alaskan camping trip.