Huh? What "disrespect" is this?
Are you the same person who made the thread about seeing another man fuck your girl? Jeez criss man, don't you have any respect for yourself and your woman. What is the point of these threads?
I don't understand why it would be considered "disrespectful" for two, consumate lovers to share their love making with others?
If we weren't Americans and our careers held up to so-called "standards," I'm sure my wife and I would video ourselves and share it with others.
nothing to do with respect -- in fact -- the
lack of respect is a really a problem created by, for and of
other people.
too immature to decide if they can watch it without being disrespectful themselves.
I love the concept of a man and a woman enjoying each other, truly enjoying each other (and nothing like 99% of porn).
I further find monogamy to be a major aphrodisiac, and maybe if we promoted a dedicated husband and wife fucking like bunnies as "healthy," maybe there's be a lot less issues in the US.
Especially targeting and removing the concept that monogamy is "not exciting" or "boring."
Sigh, I find the whole "disrespect" attitude to be "disrespectful" in the first place -- especially who creates it.
Surely not the lovers who are truly making passionate love -- monogamous or not (although I personally find monogamy an aphrodisiac for myself).