Would you titfuck Donita Dunes?

I know there are bigger, but I just saw a vid of hers where there is some titfucking and it just looks like it was really hurting the guy's dick. Comments? Anyone?


what the fuck you lookin at?
titfucking doesn't really do it for me. I've tried it and wasn't all that great. But a foot job...whole nuther story!
Ok, I just watched her scene from Titty Mania 1 and changed my mind. I DEFINATELY would fuck those tits of hers. DAMN!
As long as I got to fuck her normal style sure, though I wouldn't go out of my way to fuck her in the first place.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::shrug:: Linkage, anyone? Servers are being moved, ATM.


I know there are bigger, but I just saw a vid of hers where there is some tit fucking and it just looks like it was really hurting the guy's dick. Comments? Anyone?

would i tit fuck Donita Dunes: Probably not, because I would never get the chance. Even if I did I would still say no to the offer
I could never understand the point of tittyfucking, just doesn't do anything for me. And believe me I'm the biggest boob man around
