She is absolutely gorgeous.
Those of you that are saying hell no- I'd love to see a photo of you. I can't fucking stand men who are butt ugly or even simply average who call a great deal of women that are breathtaking ugly. Some examples:
- One guy I know said Tila Tequila had too big a forehead, so he wouldn't do her. Douchebag. She wouldn't do you either, Your Highness.
- Another guy commented that Heidi Klum wasn't pretty. Really? Really??? You mean to tell me that if Heidi Klum walked in the room, flipped her hair, and came on to you, you wouldn't get with her? Get over yourself.
There have been countless comments like these from guys I've known, none of whom were anything to look at themselves. Unless you're Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt, STFU.
I am far from ugly or overweight and my gf is in that "32%", so don't assume everyone on this forum you try to promote yourself on is unattractive. This women is no Heidi Klum or Tila and she is highly airbrushed and yet still comes off as overweight. People have a right to think she is unattractive. You are no Angelina Jolie or Charlize Theron so should you STFU?