Would you fuck your step-mom?


Closed Account
I feel this way, blood or not you don't sleep with anybodies now or ex that you know. Its just not right. My exes brother hit on me hard, everyone even his mom was appalled. He really thought because we had split up that it was alright to do so. I can't even imagine a stepmother, I don't care how hot she is, or how strong your attraction. She has held the spot as your fathers wife and your stepmother. That's that. All IMHO of course.



Center of the fothermucking universe
Don't do it!

You're an episode of Maury if you do!

Do you really want that?


Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
i would fuck almost every woman
simply a question of money
im kind of a gigolo
(of courese my step-mom wouldnt has to pay)
Hell yeah if she was hot. Course my parents have never gotten divorced. But if they had and I had a hot step mom and she wanted to bang well who am I to say no.
OK.....naturally, the hotness factor is very decisive, but there's one more element. Are we talking like a quick bang with just the two of you...or are we talking some mother-daughter threesome action? That would change the dynamics completely. :nanner:
Maybe not my step mom, but what if you had a hot step sister. Key word "step" Technically she isn't realted to you.


Closed Account
I couldn't deal with the guilt of fucking over my dad. I have the usual love-to-hate relationship with him, like the majority of guys, but doesn't mean i wanna mess with his wife.

Now let's say he did something to really really really piss me off, then maybe i'd think about it.
hell yeah i do my step-mom if she hot.as long they are legal age and it done in the privancy of there house.any way there not really related.
2 reasons why I wouldnt...1.) she is butt-ugly...2.) it would be considered illegal, she is my aunt, thats right, my mothers sister. The joke in the family is that my father wanted to keep it in the family.:rofl:
I used to ask myself the same question when I was in 9th grade or so.

Did your stepmom give you any indication that this would be a possibility?
Don't let your fantasies cloud rational thought and reasoning.

But my final answer/recommendation is go for it... and please post al the details of the situation as it transpires including your father beating the shit out of you. It'll make some great reading. ;)
I used to ask myself the same question when I was in 9th grade or so.

Did your stepmom give you any indication that this would be a possibility?
Don't let your fantasies cloud rational thought and reasoning.

But my final answer/recommendation is go for it... and please post al the details of the situation as it transpires including your father beating the shit out of you. It'll make some great reading. ;)

I like a good story... :D


knows petras secret: she farted.
lets just say that your step-mom is amazingly gorgeous. you have dreams about fucking her while your father is not home and you cannot stop picturing her naked. would you talkk to her about this issue or would you keep it to yourself and just keep imagining that you are able to fuck her?

if you have dreams about fucking her, and shes hot. why the hell not? i totally would. id fuck anyone not related to me.
I most certainly would not have sex with my stepmom. I believe in respecting the relationship you're in, as well as the relationships of others. IMO only self centered people would disrespect others like this, and totally ignore what kind of pain their actions may cause, just as long as they get laid.