Since when did you become the spokesperson for (straight) guys? What gave you the lofty privilege of speaking for straight guys. You can speak for yourself - and maybe some of your friends - but talk about stereotypes: every man is different, and what is repulsive to one is not necessariy repulsive to another. And money is far more attractive to some than sucking cock is repulsive to them.
So you think after having gay sex with another man, it would be impossible to wander back into a straight life? Why, are you worried you'd magically "turn gay"? Being homosexual or heterosexual isn't about what or who you've done, it's about what you feel. What turns you on. What you're attracted to. What you think about when you're fucking. What your fantasies are. You could fuck a thousand men and not be gay - you could fuck a thousand women and not be straight. I know a lot of gay guys who are repulsed by or at least not attracted to, women - but before they came out, or even after, they would still have sex with women for one reason or another. Sometimes as a pretence, sometimes just because a lot of their friends were women... who knows.