Jacksson_77 said:
... but they are women, too.
Agreed, but they are not as beautiful as so many make them out to be.
The "charisma factor" of actresses is something I have a backlash with -- most are 1/10th the beauty of a lesser known model.
Sometimes my backlash gets to me, as I jumped all over someone because they compared an imense beauty to Katie Holmes.
I have to admit that, but it still doesn't invalidate my next point ...
Jacksson_77 said:
I don't think you can judge an actress only because she's an actress.
I'm not really judging the actress, but the cult of personality built around them.
That has a great tendency to affect who they are and how they act -- and quite directly proportional to their popularity.
After time, either an actress deals with it proper -- or in many cases -- they really become the very thing I dislike.
All while being no where as attractive as they are made out to be.
I see model after model who are far more beautiful in comparison.
I guess that's why the divorce rate is so great -- people marry an image, not a person.
Now I *DO* have to respect the actresses that manage to deal with the celebrity, the abuse of their charity, friendship, etc... and still come out as ideal persons.
But they have been very rare among the more popular, allegedly "beautiful" actresses.
I ultimately blame the greater American public for their enticement with the actress persona, but ultimately people are who they are.
Jacksson_77 said:
Everyone has an individual character, no matter what profession she has
I never disagreed with that.
In fact, it goes to the HEART of my viewpoints.
But the cult of personality has a way of changing people.
Jacksson_77 said:
and no matter what most of the people that do not even know her personally say about her. :2 cents:
Not entirely true -- the cult of personality makes a great number of actresses into the type of women that would very much be repulsive in person.
I've met several celebrity actresses in my time, and they are premadonnas.
I wasn't trying to do anything but my job, and damn if they aren't full of themselves, no matter how you tried to explain things to them.
Now I understand that they have to deal with the environment, but it doesn't mean they have to change who they are.
I know that they probably have had a lot of their sincerity turned on them earlier in their lives, but they should at least respect people who are "Joe American" who are just trying to help them.
But most end up blame the regular person for many of the negatives of their celebrity status.
That's what I find very, very repulsive when it comes to many, many actresses.
Especially the ones that are not as good looking as they are talked about in the public, let alone their acting leaves much to be desired.