Hell no.
Well...it isn't always the case but I feel that once you marry one the fantasy is all over. Reality kicks in. Then you realize that they aren't perfect because after all they are human, you fight with her calling her an evil cunt because she won't change for no one, the attraction dies fast, you abuse her because she sees that you are suffering from the Madonna-Whore-Complex, the husband sees that she is lazy and strictly carefree, her girlfriend at a porn shoot asks her "So, what'd you say to that fuckin' jerk anyway?" the porn star wife sarcasticly says "I told him I was Mrs Am-I-Ever-So-Lucky...Asshole" , she would fuck her girlfriends rather then take shit from her husband, she doesn't have any more feelings for her husband dispite the ton of money he makes, and on and on and on...
Life sells you a romantic illusion and neglects to tell you that you can't have it, because when you take any illusion and make it flesh, its hair begins to fall out and it has B.O.
Better just to fool around, fuck a chick and move on. That's the way I see it.