Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

sure would wat somone did before me dont really affect me as long as we were happy together its hard enough to find happines let em talk bet they wont say it to your face


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

If by former prostitute you mean disease ridden, breathing-through-a-hole-in-the-throat kind of girl... Then hell yes!
Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

Wouldnt matter as long as we loved each other.

It doesn't even have to be former, as long as she's honest & uses protection.
Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

Hell yeah. I'm not a stuffy Puritan, so neither of those careers bother me anyway. Hell, if Mrs Whoremaker wanted to whore a bit or star in some porn, I'd be all for it. Nothing better than a whore who knows how to work it!


Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

Hell yeah. I'm not a stuffy Puritan, so neither of those careers bother me anyway. Hell, if Mrs Whoremaker wanted to whore a bit or star in some porn, I'd be all for it. Nothing better than a whore who knows how to work it!

And, it's pretty much tax free!:D

[Cough! Cough!] sorry, all the dust on this OLD thread's getting in my throat.:sleep:


Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

Wouldnt matter as long as we loved each other

...and she is healthy.

So...we can expect no "Movies of the Week" about you and the girl next door you have loved since 3rd grade, and were planning a big wedding with next June... but she came down with Lupus, so you dumped her?
Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

As I've said before (not sure if it was here or not), it's hard enough to find the "right one" who loves, understands, and accepts you for being who you are without having to worry about their job, former or current. To me, this is all prostitution or being in porn is: a job. Sure, it's different work, but it's still the means to make a living, just like any other job. Conclusively, yes, I would marry her without a doubt. :thumbsup:
Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

And, it's pretty much tax free!:D

[Cough! Cough!] sorry, all the dust on this OLD thread's getting in my throat.:sleep:

Fuck. I totally missed that this is a zombie thread. What in the damn hell is up with resurrecting these things?
Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

not sure, but pornstars seem cleaner, cuz they have sex with other pornstars


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

I'd marry anyone as long as we had true love for each other.

P.S. Curious. Why is the word former in quotations...?


Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

Man you are angry....I bet the sex is intense


Re: Would you marry a "former" prostitute or pornstar?

I'd marry anyone as long as we had true love for each other.

P.S. Curious. Why is the word former in quotations...?

Kimora...I truly love you!

(Jane...this doesn't make any difference how I feel about you!)

(Honest, Vicky...I'll always love you!)
I think "former" denotes a desire to have a little distance from the weariness towards a glut of sex and lovemaking it would seem a busy professional girl would have, most guys are intimidated by having to keep a woman satisfied as it is without dealing with that "I've seen that and done that too many times to give a shit" kinda attitude.

I could be wrong, I'm just sayin"...:D

(Interesting...I still [cough! cough! Damn these dusty old threads...!] feel the same as the post I made in this thread 2 1/2 months after joining FOs...way before I had 29,000,000+ rep points.:rofl:)