There is an enormous difference. One questions the intentions, the other the actions. Unless you can predict the future, the latter is impossible to answer accurately.
There is an enormous difference. One questions the intentions, the other the actions. Unless you can predict the future, the latter is impossible to answer accurately.
Not the same question, but the reason is the same; lack of self control.
Both question your ethics though. What you would do and why, the action is just the end result of intentions. Ethically speaking for myself, thinking about it is as bad as doing it, but that's me.
It's merely one of four possibilities. Just because you're not trying to cheat doesn't meant you won't, nor does intentions to do so guarantee that you will. Let's say the most beautiful woman you've ever seen offers to screw your brains out. It's one thing to claim here that you would never accept when there is little to no possibility of that ever happening, it's another to actually turn her down if it does.
As I say here, I'm very loyal in a relationship and had the chance to cheat when I've been in them with some gorgeous women.But I wouldn't for 2 reasons,1st the fact that I'm happy with the person I'm with and could never hurt them that way.2nd a one night stand is often not the best sex in the world,as it can be with a loved one.