thats why im not married. in case nina wants to get it on. im waiting nina.
Hey what if you were married to nina? would you cheat on her with another pornstar?
If you cheat on someone you say you "love" should anyone trust you?
Do you have a right to live after that? Hmmm :yinyang:
Ya you have a right to live after that. Why wouldn't you?
If anybody did sleep with a pornstar while in a relationship, you would have to let her sleep with a pornstar. A pornstar with a bigger dick then you, and a much better fuck then you. And every time you sleep with your wife/girlfriend after, you will know she is unsatisfied with your 5 minutes of sex and your worthless puny cock.
So if you cheat on your wife, you should die? Just because the person you cheated on can't trust you, doesn't mean nobody else can.
And I know size doesn't matter. Everything I said was tongue-in-cheek.
I'd dump every g/f I have for Kimberly Franklin:yesyes:
I wouldn't trust someone enough to do business with them.
If they can lie to one person who is to say they wouldn't be lying to me?