quitters, i hate quitters maybe if i did not beat them some quick and badly in the start of the game they might just staying longer, yes bud this is a long term problem on any online game and i find the ones that are doing the most smack talking are the ones that quit first.
Well what do you you play online let me know and might join up with you for a few games should be able to introduce you to a few cool people of my friends list hit me up with a friends request ( Nemesis 2000ad ) i will clear some room for the invites also leave a comment where you got this from so i will remember !!
feel free to add me, just bought another xbox after a while without one, got a new account too. I normally play FPS, TPS action games so it anyone likes co-op or stuff like that then add me. many thanks.
What are you guys playing these days? I'll add your tag if we play the same games. I'm also looking for online friends to play my brute. The link for my brute, is in my sig if you're interested.