FUCK YOU! "AMERICAN PIE SUCKS!" I mean, I know that's just your opinion and all, but people only say shit like that when they've got something to hide. Were you secretly in Jim's position once upon a time? Maybe you have a problem with prematurely ejaculating or crazy gluing your dick to your palm? Hey, it happens to the best of us, friend. But we don't all go around bashing what was, ultimately, the Porky's of Generations X through Y.
Shannon Elizabeth was a fucking knock-out! And as for Alysson Hannigan, I'd take a flute up the o-ring any time for just one night of coital bliss with the red-haired vixen!
Haven't seen Wedding yet, but it looked kick-ass. All I know is, you're bashing on a movie that dealt with teenage sexual preoccupations and, more importantly, teenage sexual faux-pas, in a more direct and sympathetic way than any flick before it. And it managed to make audiences everywhere laugh, even if some of the less ridiculous shit had happened to them on one occasion or another.
Who hasn't gotten caught jacking off by their parents? Who hasn't felt awkward in front of a gorgeous hunk of woman? And c'mon, y'all...tell me you never fucked something inanimate and I'll call you a goddamn liar.
Pie forever...so long as it stops before they get geriatric. I don't think I could deal with "American Resting Home".