Worst Woman Driver EVER


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
This is why men fear women drivers. How this is even possible is beyond me.


Unless this is a repost, you need to see it to believe it.

If it has been seen, then you believe it and should laugh anyway.


My Penis Is Dancing!
I was trying to figure out how she flipped on that move, until she got out. She must have shifted in her seat.
I like how the guy in the the car slows down, drives off then at the end casually walks toward the car and then turns arounds and leaves.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I would have serious problems believing i actually saw what I saw.
I wouldnt have thought that would physically possible. She should become a hollywood stunt driver!
Not a great advertisement for that manufacturer about the tenancy to rollover! :eek:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You can't see if she also hit something with the front of the car. But she certainly caught the gate and appeared to run the right front up the wall. The way she was stopping/starting and lurching in the car, that attendant seemed to know to get the hell away from her, didn't he? :D