Among all the super-hero movies, some are really terrible (Superman 4, Batman Forever, Daredevil, Catwoman, do I need to go on ?) but wich one is the worst of all ?
IMO, I would say Batman & Robin : Actors playing like shit, dialogues are dumb, scenario is boring...
The absolute worst superhero movie of all-time is Spawn.
Unlike Elektra or Daredevil, Spawn was a character that was bad-ass and had a major following. I remember looking at Wizard magazine updates for months before it dropped, and all they talked about was how revolutionary this movie was gonna be. Everything about that movie was so extremely disappointing... its unbelievable.
Street Fighter the movie was actually 47 times worse than Spawn, but this thread is about superhero movies.
Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. Granted there are other bad movies like Captain America, Catwoman, and the original Punisher, but those two movies are the only ones that I've had to effectively block from my mind.
Everything from the story, acting, homo-erotic scenery, and the nipples. Nothing is redeeming about these two films. Batman the Movie (1966) is 1,000 times better and that's about as cheesy as you can get.
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace receives honorable mention.
Interesting wording in your post there. I hear that a sequel to Hancock is in the works, which focuses more heavily on the Charlize Theron character. Early reports indicate that they're calling it Hancunt.