but didnt clinton cut the defense buget a little to much. also when reagan got into office we were in a cold war, which he later ended.
but didnt clinton cut the defense buget a little to much. also when reagan got into office we were in a cold war, which he later ended.
No, he didn't. The Cold War was the Reagan administration's raison d'etre.but didnt clinton cut the defense buget a little to much. also when reagan got into office we were in a cold war, which he later ended.
I knew that was coming lol.No I do not think the defense budget was cut to much but that would be one big very involved debate.Plus I do not think you can say Reagan ended the cold war,more like it happened under his watch.If we are going to start giving entire credit or blame for things that happen during an administration then you would have to say 9/11 should be blamed on George W entirely and that nothing else was involved.The cold war was a very long process that many presidents participated in.
I knew that was coming lol.No I do not think the defense budget was cut to much but that would be one big very involved debate.Plus I do not think you can say Reagan ended the cold war,more like it happened under his watch.If we are going to start giving entire credit or blame for things that happen during an administration then you would have to say 9/11 should be blamed on George W entirely and that nothing else was involved.The cold war was a very long process that many presidents participated in.
I do agree with you that the ending cold war was not the responibility exclusively of the reagan admin. the cold war was the responsibility of many presidents nor can you say that the act of 911 was the responsibility of the bush administration. in fact the act just happened under bush's watch. if you remember a similar incident but less devastating happened in the 90's under the clinton admin.
the one thing that is the the sole responsibility of the g.w. bush administration is the war in iraq. i am also saying this war is now not related to the war in iraq started by g.h.w.bush because if it still was the war would have ended after the execution of saddam.
thanks friday on my mind i will check it out and i always try to keep an opened mind.
Brutally honest critique of the Bush Administration's most recent blunder:
Bill Clinton will go down as the worst! This evil shrew sat around and did nothing while America was continually terrorized.
did nothing? you might want to reread history. under clinton's term terrorists were arrested at the canadian border with bomb material and lax blueprints. more than bush had now isnt it. do you still say he did nothing and he is the worst?
not to mention again, like i did, the economy of the states was much better than it has been ever since bush took office. get it right next time.
Economies, like all other systems, work in cycles. Clinton was lucky to get a free ride with excellent world economic conditions.Our own PM, ex Chancellor Gordon Brown somehow thinks our prosperity is his doing ; he was just lucky too.
One factor which has been missed is that good men don't always make good Presidents and bad men don't make bad ones.Don't confuse the character with the achievements.
Keith Olbermann tells it like it is about Bush and the rest of his criminal allies all the time.Best newscaster out there I think.
Bill Clinton will go down as the worst! This evil shrew sat around and did nothing while America was continually terrorized.