thank you friday on my mind we finally agree on something you said lets give some credit to clintons economic advisors i could not agree more. lets also name that advisor and give accolades to the man, that of course is allen greenspan.
thank you friday on my mind we finally agree on something you said lets give some credit to clintons economic advisors i could not agree more. lets also name that advisor and give accolades to the man, that of course is allen greenspan.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
... don't underestimate my life expectancy! :crash:
marquis2 said:There is a danger of confusing good Presidents with good men.I suppose it's possible to be both , but to actually bring about real change requires a degree of ruthlessness.It's been said that Clinton's success with the economy was because he was too distracted by other things to interfere with it but as all the other world economies also did well perhaps it was just a good time to be in charge.
I agree with the don't confuse good men with competent ones.An example is someone like Jimmy Hoffa ,the former Teamsters union leader presumed murdered by the mob.Jimmy probably would not be considered good but I think teamsters members(who got the best contracts under him they had ever had) would think he was very competent.If I was one of them getting much better wages and benefits with him doing the negotitating I would have prefered that to some goody two shoes who didn't get me those same things.
And on Clinton's success with the economy while the times a president is in is a factor I think to deny the role his economic advisors played in it is not fair eithier.Presidents don't really do that much in these regards personally,they set a tone and a policy path and then find people to carry those out.So Bill should get credit for hiring capable people and listening to them.This idea that dems are fiscally irresponsible as compared to to the pubs is not bourne out by the facts.Reagan and Bush 43 have run up the deficits while Clinton was bringing the budget into some sort of balance and handed Bush 43 a govt with projected surpluses which has been turned on its head to where we are now back to huge deficits.Some call dems the party of tax and spend but the pubs are the party of deficts and spend.Clinton administartion had rules that to spend more on something you eithier had to cut somewhere or raise taxes,that is being responsible.Compare that to the current administration that cuts taxes,mainly on the wealthy I might add and then spends very freely on various things most notably hundreds of billions on wars.That is VERY irresponsible.
thank you friday on my mind we finally agree on something you said lets give some credit to clintons economic advisors i could not agree more. lets also name that advisor and give accolades to the man, that of course is allen greenspan.
It's a lot easier to be an economic advisor at a time when the economy is going along pretty well on its own.It's like the captain of a ship claiming credit for a smooth ride when the sea is like a millpond.
It's the advisors who successfully deal with problems like spiralling unemployment , soaring inflation and lack of confidence who deserve credit.But they are usually associated with the problems they had to solve.
Without the cold war they were lost as a rational to maintain that,so now we have the war on terror.Someday we will have a war on who knows what when they lose that one.
I tried to say earlier there are lies and there are damn lies.Clintons lies had little to do with us,Bushes did and the gravity of the two is light years different IMO
I think the attention paid to that is more a reflection of immaturity of the american population of what they should be focusing on as important than anything else
To give Shrub credit....he does seem like a decent person. People give him grief to no end, but I have to admit he seems somewhat likeable.
as president, well i think you can make the argument that he was a victim of timing
the war on [noun] can, by definition, never be won or lost.
Both Reagan and Clinton were elected in large measure on anxieties about the economy.Clinton's winning slogan in 92 was "it's the economy stupid".Both came in during recessions.The biggest difference was that even when things got better whether you want to give them and their advisors credit for it or not was that Clinton and his govt exercised fiscal restraint where Reagan did not.Reagan spent more and more on defense especially where Clinton did not.America is being hosed by the military-industrial establishment which wants to spend no matter if there is real threat or not hundreds of billions on defense spending.Without the cold war they were lost as a rational to maintain that,so now we have the war on terror.Someday we will have a war on who knows what when they lose that one.