Worst movie re-make

poggy1 said:
Right the reason why no film should be re-made is because of this. The original will always be better because it's the one that puts the story into your head. The re-make will there for always be pale in comparison to it.

Example Civickiller says he'd like to see a re-make of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. If they did once he saw it he'd be very disappointed because he already knew the story. Not only that, the way Clint Eastwood and the other actors put in such a commanding performance in it. No matter what they did with the re-make, a allstar cast of the finest actors, 100's of millions of dollars spent on it, it would still be a poor re-make.

So this is why all re-makes are bad.
True, people will always prefer originals to the copies/remakes, 100% agreed :yesyes:
poggy1 said:
Right the reason why no film should be re-made is because of this. The original will always be better because it's the one that puts the story into your head. The re-make will there for always be pale in comparison to it.

Example Civickiller says he'd like to see a re-make of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. If they did once he saw it he'd be very disappointed because he already knew the story. Not only that, the way Clint Eastwood and the other actors put in such a commanding performance in it. No matter what they did with the re-make, a allstar cast of the finest actors, 100's of millions of dollars spent on it, it would still be a poor re-make.

So this is why all re-makes are bad.

True, I agree with this exactly, however with me it also extends to songs. You can't remake a classic film or song and keep it in the same genre otherwise it will be a poor attempt.

A couple of remakes I do like are Oceans Eleven and Longest Yard.
thesafestplace said:
There's only one answer to this question surely: the remake of The Italian Job!!

Why the fuck anyone would want to alter such an awesome and iconic film in the first place is anyone's guess, but then they go and make it again and DON'T EVEN SET IT IN ITALY!!!!!!

:jester: That's right!

It was idiotic. Most Hollywood movies today seem to be catering to 13 y.o.'s. I usually read a few reviews before seeing anything.


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Civickiller80 said:
Psycho gets my vote WTF were they thinking to remake that movie....actually one remake I'd like to see is the Good the Bad and The Ugly...
I never did see that. That was with Vince Vaugn, right? They did a shot-by-shot of the original. A pretty daunting task that must be from a director's POV. Sounds like it was done more as an "exercise". At least they stayed true to the original but then why spend the $$$$:dunno:
One word.....Jackal. Anyone who has seen the original will probably agree. They got Bruce "Wooden Actor" Willis as the star, and because in the original the sniper rifle was a pea shooter with no power to kill anyone (he had to use explosive bullets with it), they changed the gun to a computer aided super cannon. It was so inconspicuous, the original was hidden in a car exhaust pipe but you had to sit in the one in the remake.

That film made me feel sick.
mooks said:
Was The Fog a remake? I think it was.. if so, that.

Yes, 1980 was the first, then 2005.

Bourne Identity wasn't bad, too many inside scenes.

Poseiden was probably pretty pukey wasn't it?
king kong. the music just isnt dramatic enough these days. and the rawness and sheer crapiness of the animation in the original is what makes it such a powerful film. all the old, dramatic films are millions times better in terms of the intensity and atmosphere that the music makes. the acting might suck but the music always kicks ass.
I wasn't really a Physco fan to begin with and the remake was just worse than the origonal. The fantastic four was pretty bad.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I agree the new fog sucked as well as king kong - way to damn long!


Any remake of a Hitchcock (Remake as Feature Film or TV).

Le femme Nikita (even though Fonda was hot)