Little Red Wagon Repairman
People that act like they're too good for McDonald's. I think they still have a few tables available for Saturday.
There isn't an apostrophe in Nazis (it's plural, but you're not showing possession), and you misspelled obvious...
Also, your sentence didn't make any goddamn sense.
Plus they are Republicans
Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you?
Bartman still curses them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I could barely comprehend anything you just said in your post. Are you learning deficient... because that would explain so much.
I pointed out a superfluous apostrophe and a misspelled word. What the actual fuck does that have to do with baseball? Also, I don't live in Chicago, Scooter. So that whole paragraph you devoted to yuppie Chicago suburbanites doesn't apply to me. I appreciate the time and effort you put into that though. I know writing and spelling do not come easily for you.
I love that you play the Sam Fisher defense too. I make a reasoned argument about how you made a couple of mistakes in your post, and you say something disparaging about the Cubs. Because you know I'm right, and you don't have any other recourse to save face. It's fine, I like your gimmick, kid. But attacking the Cubs doesn't upset me the least bit. They're a sports team. I don't work for them or have any affiliation with the team. My happiness is not tied to their success or annual miserable failures. I also don't give a fuck about what is or is not in Wrigleyville. I will say that calling a team sCrUBS makes you look incredibly juvenile, but I've told you that before.
Just to hear to inform. I look forward to your poorly written reply.
Yep, I changed my user name over a year ago. Thanks for noticing...Andronicus Ry?
wine snobs who dont know a goddamned thing about what actually makes good wine and just talk about how awesome their wine is because they paid 30 bucks a bottle for it