What in your opinion is the worst musical genre?
I have to say Porngrind which I have just recently come to know and with a name like Porngrind to me as an active member of a pornsite left me so dissapointed
I mean yeah Torsofuck's song Raped by Elephants sounds great but to listen to ..... not so much. 
I mean isnt this just the worst thing you have ever heard? Or is it just me? This is just my opinion if there is anyone out there who actually likes it explain why, please? To me it just sounds like a band who werent good enough to be a death metal band but for some reason decided to carry on.
I like metal, most kinds of metal. But this, I just cant get.
Here's an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX17Ur7dEBg
I suppose Porngrind is more of a sub-genre of grindcore (or whatever :dunno
but I still feel it's a valid choice
Your thoughts?
I have to say Porngrind which I have just recently come to know and with a name like Porngrind to me as an active member of a pornsite left me so dissapointed
I mean isnt this just the worst thing you have ever heard? Or is it just me? This is just my opinion if there is anyone out there who actually likes it explain why, please? To me it just sounds like a band who werent good enough to be a death metal band but for some reason decided to carry on.
I like metal, most kinds of metal. But this, I just cant get.
Here's an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX17Ur7dEBg
I suppose Porngrind is more of a sub-genre of grindcore (or whatever :dunno
Your thoughts?