Im going to say Tera Patrick just because thats Carmen Electras real name I also hated names like Britney Speers, ariana Jolle and cindy crawford just because it implys someone elso
Candida Royalle
any of the yeastlike fungi constituting the genus Candida, members of which may cause athlete's foot, vaginitis, thrush, or other infections.
The all-time worst pornstar name
Too Pretty For Porn (2 Pretty 4 Porn)
Avy Lee Roth isn't so much a bad name, in that the whole story behind it is absurd and most definatly fake. If she was really his daughter, her name would be Avy Roth, not Lee, why would she have the same middle name as him? even avy sounds like a fake name, I've never seen anyone outside of porn with that name.
but the absolute worst (and what inspired me to bump this thread) was the name that I happened to stumble on the other day:
Toxicsnatch :eek:
for real.