[...] it was Belguim that proved to be the firecracker which caused the firestorm.
Well, Europe had firecrackers all over. Everyone was an ally of someone else. Even Germany had little choice but to declare war on Russia since Germany's ally Austria-Hungary had declared war on Serbia and Russia protected Serbia.
I've been away from FO for some months so it seems I have some catching up to do. Maybe a good way to get me back on track here...
Declarations of war:
July 28, 1914: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (read document
here (French) and original
August 1, 1914: Germany declares war on Russia (read
here (translation))
August 3, 1914: Germany declares war on France (read
August 4, 1914: Germany invades Belgium (at war without declaration of war) (last message from the Belgian government to Germany before the invasion can be read
August 4, 1914: Britain declares war on Germany
August 5, 1914: Montenegro declares war on Austria-Hungary
August 5, 1914: Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia
August 6, 1914: Germany at war with Serbia (no declaration of war)
August 8, 1914: Germany at war with Montenegro (no declaration of war)
August 12, 1914: France declares war on Austria-Hungary
August 12, 1914: Britain declares war on Austria-Hungary
August 23, 1914: Japan declares war on Germany
August 27, 1914: Austria-Hungary declares war on Japan
August 28, 1914: Austria-Hungary declares war on Belgium
November 1, 1914: Russia declares war on Turkey
November 2, 1914: France declares war on Turkey
November 2, 1914: Serbia declares war on Turkey
November 3, 1914: Montenegro declares war on Turkey
November 5, 1914: Britain declares war on Turkey
November 12, 1914: Turkey declares war on the Entente (Britain, France, Russia)
May 23, 1915: Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary (read
May 24, 1915: San Marino declares war on Austria-Hungary
August 20, 1915: Italy declares war on Turkey
October 14, 1915: Bulgaria at war with Serbia (no declaration of war)
October 15, 1915: Britain at war with Bulgaria (no declaration of war)
October 16, 1915: France at war with Bulgaria (no declaration of war)
October 19, 1915: Italy at war with Bulgaria (no declaration of war)
October 20, 1915: Russia at war with Bulgaria (no declaration of war) (reed Tsar Nicholas statement
March 9, 1916: Germany declares war on Portugal
August 27, 1916: Rumania declares war on Austria-Hungary (see declaration
August 28, 1916: Germany declares war on Rumania
August 28, 1916: Turkey declares war on Rumania
August 28, 1916: Italy declares war on Germany
August 30, 1916: Turkey declares war on Rumania
September 1, 1916: Bulgaria declares war on Rumania
November 25, 1916: Greece declares war on Germany
November 25, 1916: Greece declares war on Bulgary
April 6, 1917: US declares war on Germany (see document
here and
April 7, 1917: Cuba declares war on Germany (read declaration
April 10, 1917: Panama at war with Germany (no declaration of war)
April 11, 1917: Dominican Republic ends diplomatic relations with Germany
April 14, 1917: Bolivia ends diplomatic relations with Germany
June 30, 1917: Greece ends diplomatic relations with Austria-Hungary
July 2, 1917: Greece ends diplomatic relations with Turkey
july 22, 1917: Siam declares war on Germany
july 22, 1917: Siam declares war on Austria-Hungary
August 4, 1917: Liberia declares war on Germany
August 14, 1917: China declares war on Germany
August 21, 1917: China declares war on Austria-Hungary
October 7, 1917: Peru ends diplomatic relations with Germany
October 7, 1917: Uruguay end diplomatic relations with Germany
October 26, 1917: Brazil declares war on Germany
December 7, 1917: US declares war on Austria-Hungary
December 9, 1917: Ecuador ends diplomatic relations with Germany
December 14, 1917: Panama declares war on Austria-Hungary
December 16, 1917: Cuba declares war on Austria-Hungary
April 30, 1918: Guatemala at war with Germany (no declaration of war)
May 8, 1918: Nicaragua declares war on Germany and it's allies
May 23, 1918: Costa Rica declares war on Germany and its allies
june 19, 1918: Honduras declares war on Germany
july 12, 1918: Haiti declares war on Germany
September 12, 1918: Brazil declares war on Austria-Hungary