I recently gave up the game in January. Taking a break from it because it was eating up all my free time.
I only have 1 lv 80. He was the top 5 geared Moonkin on the server before I left. Now he's probably top 30
. I forget what his DPS was, but anytime I raid I was usually #1-3 in the charts. I also have a few twinks and 70's on Skullcrusher. I never got into death knights. Probably because everyone had one and nobody wanted another damn DK for the guild.
Druid's are my favorite class. Anytime I pug a raid I can easily switch to Healer or DPS. Not to mention everyone loves a giant chicken that give + crit and haste.
Mooyou - 80 Moonkin
So how many of ya currently play or use to play WoW?
Whats your favorite class?
Best Raiding/PVE class?
Anything new you want to talk about?
I only have 1 lv 80. He was the top 5 geared Moonkin on the server before I left. Now he's probably top 30
Druid's are my favorite class. Anytime I pug a raid I can easily switch to Healer or DPS. Not to mention everyone loves a giant chicken that give + crit and haste.
Mooyou - 80 Moonkin
So how many of ya currently play or use to play WoW?
Whats your favorite class?
Best Raiding/PVE class?
Anything new you want to talk about?