Season 5 World-Class Nudes Playoffs Black & White Division Semifinals Match A
Art of a Woman
Which photo do you like best overall?
Poll Duration: 48 hours
1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by panel's "Superjudges"
2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 Superjudges' votes
WCN , WCT, and I-KON Together comprising the only known consortium (i.e., "academy") missioned to discover and honor the greatest all-time in nude and/or sexually provocative photographic arts!
Art of a Woman gets my can see more of her face and the brightness of the picture is better than Mosaic. I tend to prefer slightly brighter B&W pics
After further review, I agree that the chair in "Art of a Woman" creates a bit too much of an obstructed view of the model. In contrast, the view of Helga in Mosaic
is far less obscured, while also offering a somewhat sexier pose [imo], despite the unfortunate de-framing issue. Another positive is the multitude of eye-pleasing
shades of gray present in the background. So, for these reasons, I hereby change my vote to Mosaic.
Season 5 World-Class Nudes Playoffs Multi-Model Division Semifinals Match A
Erotic Beach
Wetlands Safari
Which photo do you like best overall?
Poll Duration: 48 hours
1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by panel's "Superjudges"
2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 Superjudges' votes
WCN , WCT, and I-KON Tournament platform threads dedicated to discovering and honoring the all-time greatest in nude and/or sexually provocative photography!