WCN 2017
Round 1
Match 3
Who Needs Clothes... (featuring Jade)
Kitchen Cutie (featuring Beau M)
Picnic on Hold (featuring Dona Olah)
Which of the above photos do you like best overall?
1st Tiebreaker - Winner determined by majority vote during 24 hour OT period.
2nd Tiebreaker - Winner determined by first 3 overtime votes received.
3rd Tiebreaker - Winner determined by the
4th overtime vote received.
Minimum Participation Policy Important!
If at any time during playoffs,
3 consecutive matches receive less than
9 votes for the 5-day voting period, it will be viewed as "insufficient interest", thereby triggering
the immediate and abrupt shut down of the tournament.
- poll ends exactly 5 days from match's original time stamp.
- votes cast are deemed valid only from members with a minimum of 100 posts.