Daring Photoshoot


Light one for Me
2016 WCN Playoffs
Quarterfinal Round
Match 2

Daring Photoshoot


Larissa Saloio




Which of these 3 photos do you like best?

1st Tiebreaker - 24 hour OT period: Winner determined by overtime votes received from panel judges who did not originally vote for one of the "finalist". If after overtime, match is still tied, then tiebreaker defaults to first overtime vote received.

2nd Tiebreaker - In the unlikely event that no votes are received in overtime, the tiebreaker shall default to OP's discretion.

Minimum Participation Policy Important!
If at any time during playoffs, 3 consecutive matches receive less than 9 votes for the 5-day voting period, it will be viewed as "insufficient interest", thereby triggering the immediate and abrupt shut down of the tournament.

note: poll terminates exactly 5 days from match's original time stamp.
Larissa's photo is somewhat undersized compared to her counterparts.
To help level the playing field - Right Click > View Image, then format monitor for full screen viewing.
Larissa Saloio, though I love Daring PHOTOSHOOT! and I think Dasha is very sexy amd beautiful. I don't see the Orsy appeal, but now it's a tie. Nice to see this one coming down to the wire! Sorry about you getting shafted, Dasha :(
Orsy is now up by 1 vote over Larissa... can she hang on?
Only about 12 hours remains in this match (as of this post).

^ With little time to spare, our friend srs83 has suddenly made things very interesting.
Fasten your seatbelts, folks... looks like this one is headed for overtime!