2016 WCN Playoffs
Round 2*
Match 2
1) April Summers:
Her looks ain't that interesting in the end and atmosphere is just... another weird picture with rather averagely pretty, but boring looking lady. Feet are the least sexy body part, I kind of like her hip area showing some meat and she seems to have boobs, but I can hardly see anything. Overall this picture is just plain boring... There is nothing saying that mommy is about to suck cock and fun times incoming. All that princess stuff... yawn... Then again I like this bedroom much better than the molded bathtub... Next girl please... This girl wins only because I like bit booties and this posture and thighs make her hips look wider...
2) Kyla Cole:
Oh, yes there is a pussy! She does have okay'ish pretty face, perhaps too much babyface look which is a complete turn off and she emanates this come on daddy I'm lazy... She seems to have nice looking boobies and has this much more relaxed posture directed to men... I don't like those bones showing on her hips and would require another picture with a better angle to give her a vote... She is outside, that's dirty and there are loads of bugs... Imagine a bee stinging you in the butt when you are trying to relax with another buzzing near your ears... public sex is another boring attention seeking woman fantasy... I think this picture is quite hard choice over April...
3) Irish Shala:
She does have kind of a pretty face, that necklace is weird, but she looks skinny, weak and fragile... That's not good I don't like broken toys... Atmosphere in the room is just plain horrible. All I see is a dirty bathroom with mold growing everywhere and undersized weird bathtub... Ok, towel looks nice and one of the best parts in this picture beside her face is the windows. You can see all that sun shining and you can see something fresh and green...