Kyla captures you with her eyes, and she totally had me downloading and saving all of her pics in the early 2000s. I have this nostalgia as well as arousal when i see her pics. Her eyes capture and reel me in....they speak of mystery...
But the real mystery girl here is Liana Shevshenko. Some sites claim she died, but there is no real date, no proof. She seemed to model in a few sets and disappeared. I hope she is alive and okay! I like this particular pic because of the challenge of taking this pic on a moving ship in a body of water. While this pic isn't of the high quality as the others, i get the feeling it was taken earlier, back in the 2000s and not the 2010s when a lot of these glamour nude sites starting taking off...
Vasiliana and Dasha's pic is a study in contrasts. Both are in cabins out in nature....Vasiliana speaks of a quiet cold winter so far in the Nordic region that you expect to see the Aurora. Her hair is put up and her expression is serene and mysterious, she evokes the Witch of Winter in a way, but in a more benign form. Pluses for the flat abs and the white stockings add to that winter look. Dasha however seems to evoke the vitality and excitement of late spring, if you look at the reflection in the glass door. She has a slight sheen of sweat and is looking sexy even though she is engaged in thee mundane activity of putting on an earring.
Vasliana's pic is a really high quality and I'd actually like to see it go head to head with Dasha's other pic, so I am picking Vasliana!