

Poll Duration: 3 days (72 hours)
Tiebreaker: In the event of a tie, winner shall be determined by first pic to reach 3 votes.

WCN... celebrating the art of sexy! ii
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Staff member
Close between Yarina & Whitney

but my vote is for Yarina

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The blues and grey hues only accentuate the eyes and skin tone of Yarina....and her body is absolutely Yarina gets my vote.

Couldn't have said it any better. Another vote for "Yarina".


Light one for Me
First of all, thank you wmonbear, because you always provide a high quality in your selection :thumbsup:
After checking all options, my decision goes for "Yarina"

Yarina* - 7
Whitney - 5
Isabelle - 2
Sabrisse - 1
*holds tiebreaker advantage

Time remaining in match (as of this post): i23 hours
Seems I was a bit lazy for this photo set, so if anyone has any ideas for titles (especially for "Yarina" and "Whitney"), please let me know.
Thank you, sj1 - you seem really good at this!
From your ideas for titles, I mixed and matched some of the words to form yet another title consideration for Whitney - "Picnic Treats".
I'll let you decide on the final naming. ;)