Work: Owning Your Life...

...let's not forget also that here in the States many Americans do two jobs, something which is unheard of in Europe I suspect (Asia/Japan i'm unsure of).

I think that is a good thing. I would kill to have a second job, anything to put food on the table but my proffession will not allow it. STINKS! I could easily fit in a second job on my days off.

...I suspect also - i could be wrong - that in some parts of Europe you would actually be penalised for doing two jobs (an increase in taxes, say). :dunno:
Indeed, I was in a job where I had to get 3 buses to work, then walk 2 miles to the office which for some reason unknown was in the middle of nowhere. So I would basically have 2 hours extra on travel there and back. Get up at 6 come back home at 7. Get in bed from exhaustion soon after then it all began again. To be fair if a lot of you are having trouble theres no reason not to save up a lot of money, skip the holiday or new car you were going to buy. Then get a part time job for a while. Its hard for some people to do this especially when your older and in a firm job, but as a young person you can leap frog just about anywhere. Used to be on the dole too but to be honest I was so bored during the day when work came it was a blessing. If work didnt own our lives boredom would claim a lot of them instead. Also the finding new relationships, theres many jobs where you are bunched together around 100 people or so, telephone retail sales etc. Not my cup of tea but Ive heard meeting girls/ blokes is pretty easy. If your in a job thats crappy pay, poo people and not very interesting... Do something completely different! It doesnt have to be a 40 grand job. I for one do not work for money. It might be a question of Money owning your life, rather then Work owning your life :)
...I suspect also - i could be wrong - that in some parts of Europe you would actually be penalised for doing two jobs (an increase in taxes, say). :dunno:

The taxes are terrible anyway, don't think this will change in my life time.
At least I can retire at 51. Yipeeee!:D
My mates on the dole he gets £400 for is flat and £120 spending money. every 2 weeks.
I've been dropping over 100 hours a week (6 days) for the past several months. And have not had any time off or vacation time since last November.
I've only recently been taking Sundays off because my hands have been shaking.
Also the reason I havn't been chiming in here too much.

What the hell do you do? First year doctor or jr. law partner?
I think on average, people back home (Australia) work a lot harder than they do here in the USA. Just about everyone I know here has 2 days off every week, almost unheard of in OZ.
I hate work. Work is a form of slavery. Office slavery. Work makes people to become zombies. Wake up at the certain time every day, go to the same place every day, do a lot of similar and repeatative stuff every day. The same every day: it fucking kills, and I do my best to work as less as possible!

Freelance is the only way for me to survive. I need a lot of freedom and a lot of free time.

If I had to work on a regular basis (9 to 5, five days a week or like smth that) I would commit a suicide.

PS: there are some nice jobs in this world, but the easier is the job - the harder is to recieve it