Women's height

... :drool1:

but maybe thats just me.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
As long as the legs are long.
Its all the same lying down...


Closed Account
I think that you are a tall man...since the short men in general are afraid of tall women.

I know this issue.
So long as you are secure metally and emotionally there is no problem. Most horse jockeys when I have seen their better half were 5'7" or taller (compared the women to other people around and guessed the height). In high school I was just under 5'8" my last year and dated a girl who was 6'3". I think that it might be the on the other end. Where tall women might not like to date shorter guys.
To answer the question, it depends on the woman. The one you gave as an example, I'll have to see her dolled up. There are others where I say "cleave to me & know the joy of eternal bliss!" :D