Women That Only You Find Attractive


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Props to BBoard for Malcolm's mom and Lele from Futurama.. ALSO! She plays Locke's girlfriend in Lost, season 2. Hot, as usual.

My #1 spot goes to the Tilly. Phil, the unabomber is a thieving scumbag who stole my babeh!

#2 Cheri O'Teri off the Spartan squad, Saturday Night Live. She's a lil pocket rocket, she is!
You guys would be suprised, just reading the first few posts alone, I think that many people find the women you listed to be attractive. Most of them wouldn't be considered "hot" in our modern standard, but something makes them stand out in which people take notice.
These are some chicks where it seenms I'm the only one who like them. At least no one ever mentions them...

Dawn Allison (dawns place)
Leah Stevenson (brunnet with braces)
Blair Segal
Now that this post has(to quote my late mother) Reared it's ugly head, I need to add one more lady that I find completly irresistable. So much so that I even read her blog(something I have never done with anyone else) Her name is Kate Hewlett and she is an actress/playwrite.


In her own words she says her best features are her child bearing hips and the ability to make a great Peanut sauce. How can you not love her?
Now that this post has(to quote my late mother) Reared it's ugly head, I need to add one more lady that I find completly irresistable. So much so that I even read her blog(something I have never done with anyone else) Her name is Kate Hewlett and she is an actress/playwrite.


In her own words she says her best features are her child bearing hips and the ability to make a great Peanut sauce. How can you not love her?

She's cute
Giada de Laurentis is a cutie, everyone. She should not be on this list. Beautiful blue eyes and a nice little curvy body. I watch everyday Italian all the time. I also love Sandra Lee (Semi Homemade cooking). She has some great looking tits.

The only other one I can think of right now is probably Kelly Tilghman on the Golf Channel. There is also this dope ass blonde on one of my local TV news shows that I think is soooooo hot. Everyone I tell just doesn't get it.