'Go get 'em, Roy!'...... Go molest all the underage women you want you still get a seat in the senate
Link to sworn statements and evidence?
'Go get 'em, Roy!'...... Go molest all the underage women you want you still get a seat in the senate
Youtube is a private company and, as so, can enforce their own policy on free speech on their platform, just like any other company.Bitchute is a video site created because of youtube's censorship and demonetization.
So, they are a free speech site.
Youtube will bankrupt themselves if they don't stop their attack on freedom of speech, Conservatives and Christians.
PragerU Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube for Discrimination
So ?“The term “Nazi” (along with “Nazism”) is a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden (7 August 1901 – 18 June 1966) during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism. Heiden was a journalist and member of the Social
Democratic Party.
And you can take you demand for evidence and shove it up your ass.
I thought you’d say something like that.
Especially since your link is not evidence.
Youtube is a private company and, as so, can enforce their own policy on free speech on their platform, just like any other company.
The only thing that could bankrupt youtube is the use of addblocks
Youtube doesn't discriminate. Anyone can post videos on Youtube. If a neo-nazi wants to post a video about kittens, Youtube won't block it. Buy Youtube has set its own policy about free speech.
Wether Youtube is subject to the US Constitution or not is to be defined since it's not actually on american soil
So ?
The term "nazi" was invented by a leftist as a way to denigrate the NSDAP. And ?
The only conclusion I could think of is that the Left has always been the most virulent opponents to nazis.
Google is not a monopoly, there other browsers such as Ask.com or BingYoutube was bought by Google. Google is a huge monopoly and monopolies are illegal. Youtube and Google should be treated like utilities.
Youtube is not a monopoly there other video-sharing services, such as Dailymotion
Google doesn't discriminate, anyone can post. They just don't allow some contents but even a white supremacist girl can post a make-up tutorial or a video about kittens.Google/ youtube does discriminate and they are both in California.
Just like "libtard" but we don't complain about you conservatives calling us liberals "libtards".So?The point is the word was created as a slur. It's a word created to try to make their political enemies conform and make them look like the bad guys. it's defamation.
You're a nazi. And a snowflake.
Actually I never used the word "racist" in that thread.
Google is not a monopoly, there other browsers such as Ask.com or Bing
Youtube is not a monopoly there other video-sharing services, such as Dailymotion
Google doesn't discriminate, anyone can post. They just don't allow some contents but even a white supremacist girl can post a make-up tutorial or a video about kittens.
Just like "libtard" but we don't complain about you conservatives calling us liberals "libtards".
You're a nazi. And a snowflake.
Actually I never used the word "racist" in that thread.
Sometimes I do. Althought not as much as I use youtube but I have no problem with Youtube censoring racism, nazis, anti-semitism, etc.Google is a monopoly, they also have admitted to manipulating search results and algorithms.
You use Dailymotion?
Seems like Google + Youtube < Facebook.Top 500 sites on the web
Google Total Sites Linking In 4,123,054
youtube Total Sites Linking In 3,115,386
Facebook Total Sites Linking In 8,316,386
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Google/ youtube does discriminate. Makeup and kittens don't count.
So-called nice content doesn't need protection. That's why there is a First Amendment.
I did use "white supremacist". But it's not a synonim for "racist".You used other words that are the equivalent.
Google/ youtube does discriminate. Makeup and kittens don't count.
So-called nice content doesn't need protection. That's why there is a First Amendment.
Youtube removes what they want they don't care about freedom or freedom of speech.
YouTube Hypocrisy
XXXTentacion released a racially-charged music video
Those are just two examples.
Google has a monopoly on videos. Youtube should be treated like a utility.
That quote doesn't have anything to do with anything but freedom of speech.
Google has a monopoly on videos. Youtube should be treated like a utility.
Youtube isn't the place for racism or other hate videos. Most of the viewers are young, impressionable and may be influenced to be racist.
The pen is mightier than the sword, a picture is worth 1000 words, a video is worth 1000 pictures.
What should be shown are videos of the victims of racism, nazism, communism, isis, and other ideologies born from hate/greed.
All these retarded ideologies were started by a few greed filled assholes to gain power and wealth for themselves, by killing innocent people who were somehow different in race, religion, nationality, and stealing their land and wealth.
What corrupt assholes fear the most is the truth. The purpose of science is to find the truth. The purpose of retarded political and religious ideologies is to hide the truth.
"The First Amendment which ratified in 1791 states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." However, the phrase "separation of church and state" itself does not appear in the United States Constitution."
The simple fact that this video is on Youtube and wasn't banned from it downplays yout claim about Youtube's discrimination against conservatives.
Try again, you moron
Youtube isn't the place for racism or other hate videos. Most of the viewers are young, impressionable and may be influenced to be racist.
gay activist company FCKH8.com releases a video exploiting black children who are supposedly from Ferguson. Accusing all white people of being racist and clueless, the children, in a superbly slick production, deliver a racist rant only liberals could be okay with. Well, not all liberals. FCKH8.com is hawking t-shirts for $13. And a whopping $5 (allegedly) goes to “charities that are fighting racism.” One such charity, Race Forward, doesn’t want anything to do with this particular racist campaign. The “racial justice” organization quickly distanced itself and rejected any donation from FCKH8 on Facebook. This is such rich irony considering Race Forward is the publisher of a devoutly race-baiting online blog, Colorlines, that posted its dislike of this gay activist outfit’s attempt to capitalize. Colorlines criticizes the video saying: “There’s an entire economy around black death—and this ad campaign illustrates it all too well.”
The Evangelists of tolerance have a zero-tolerance policy
Why is it that the self-proclaimed evangelists of tolerance always seem to have a zero-tolerance policy? Tech giants that run the world’s largest platforms of public discourse—Google, Facebook and Twitter—are the least likely to allow the diversity of opinion. They regularly ban content with which they disagree, promote mainstream media’s #fakenews while promising to eliminate fake news, present false hierarchy of trending hashtags, prevent access to websites (sometimes millions of them), and daily silence those who don’t espouse a liberal worldview. And it’s not just overly-aggressive or error-prone algorithms that are to blame. Humans create those algorithms. And scores of human “content reviewers” manually remove truth, literally impacting public opinion and even elections.
This should alarm any free society.
Yes but stupid trump base is convinced that obama is from kenya. you people are funny