Re: the hottest onepiece body / onepiece swimsuit

wow aria is soooo hot !

i would love to see the rest of your collection. can you mail the links to me?

Well ... how about I do that one better? Gentlemen (and if there're any ladies present, them too), I give you - a blog of some of my links.

Not to be an ego-maniacal jerk, but reputation points, adulation, etc... may lead to my updating it at a higher pace than otherwise. :)

"Shout outs" (I've always found that term funny) to Prophecy, ProfV, and Snuffelke.
Re: the hottest onepiece body / onepiece swimsuit

With kind regards to Billy Idol ... I seem to suddenly be dancing with myself. Come on people ... get back in the game. :)

That said, I just updated all the way up to ID#1000.

In other news, while I've been posting all these links up, I've still been digging. The result is that the total is now over 1650, and growing.

Z-"I post more than the whole rest of the thread combined and I'm not even ego-tripping"-aggy
Re: the hottest onepiece body / onepiece swimsuit

Up to ID #1200 now ... go here.

(This batch is far less spectacular than the last one.... it's just ... "eh".)


P.S. Around 450 left to go.
Re: the hottest onepiece body / onepiece swimsuit

I've just updated the blog-ish thing all the way up to ID#1673, which is the current end of my collection. So, expect slower/smaller updates going forward. Hopefully others will now start sharing larger numbers of their own link collections perhaps?

One small note, in some of these latest updates, you may notice a single image being linked to directly instead of a gallery. This is due to situations where the gallery was really just a mess of unrelated images, as is common with a number of the [whatever] sites right now.

Re: the hottest onepiece body / onepiece swimsuit

Hmm, and now for some links to galleries my gizmo doesn't want to go out and get .... so I'll just put them here. :)

The following three overlap with some galleries I'd already posted ... but I think they have some images that aren't the same in them.

Re: the hottest onepiece body / onepiece swimsuit

Isn't anybody else going to post? Here I was hoping my links would be (as Jack Black's character in High Fidelity would say) "a conversation stimulator" ...

How about this: if someone else posts some links, I'll put up some more too. (And I have located a bunch since my last post.)

