Who's to say this isnt how God intended us to have sex, he may have created Adam and then Eve with a big latex dildo strapped around her waste, and maybe her first words to Adam might have been, "Bend over bitch! and squeel like a piggy". Which then led to Adam finding a rock lying over it and using the blood of a dead rat a lube, then like a man shreeking in a high pitched voice whilst Eve fucked the shit out of him with a 12" vibrateing dildo getting in all the way.
After about 45 minutes of this Adam was probably worn out with having no ass left passed out, thats when the Devil in snake form slithered over to Eve and whispered into her ear "your doing it wrong, he's supposed to fuck you". Eve must have been shocked but was a little turned on by it and giving Adam enough time to recover she got him to fuck her, which really pissed off God because he was really turned on the other way, the new way didnt turn him on as much as a guy getting stuffed with 12" so he threw them out.
Thats the real reason they were thrown out of the garden of Eden, not that stupid fucking story about Eve eating apples, why would someone be punished for watching their weight? They wouldnt, that damn snake is to blame for giving them the idea and both of them liking it.
Of course no children would be born but maybe this was only an experiment that went totally wrong :dunno:
Damn those fucking snakes!