Woman sues airline over masturbating man


Center of the fothermucking universe
What's this country coming to?

Where you can't jack off and blow your load wherever you want!

Dude wait til you get home!

No class no class at all.

It's the sort of story that has you initially chuckling in disbelief because it seems so preposterous and unreal, but I find myself forced to agree with Digital's remarks. This woman was degraded and humiliated by a complete stranger while unconscious in a public place. It's not all that different from date or stranger rape -- is that funny too?

When she woke up she was undoubtedly incredibly embarrassed and humiliated, after being molested in a place where she thought she would be safe from suffering such indignities. The airline is supposed to ensure that your belongings are secure from theft when flying with them, so how much more liable are they if they fail to protect you from being sexually assaulted?
Its the airlines job to provide a safe and comfortable trip. This girl was degraded and assaulted and I believe it was the airlines responsibility to assist the victim in this case, and not accomodate the perv who couldn't take it to the bathroom. If anything, they should have moved her to a private area of the plane to relax and compose herself...if it were me, I wouldn't want to have to sit next to the guy who just nutted on me. I'd be pissed at the airline for not assisting me further too.
I completely agree with you. After that kind of incident, they should've handcuffed him to an empty row and give the lady some privacy. Not only was it horrific for her but I'm sure she was very embarrassed too. I'm surprised she didn't punch him in the face or balls.
When I first heard this story, I assumed he was doing it under a blanket or a coat or something. But to have cummed in her hair, he must have been doing it out in the open. How strange! Can you imagine if you were another passenger and all of a sudden this guy pulls out his think and jerks it on a sleeping passenger. It just doesn't make any sense at all. I want to know more of the details - I'm quite confused. What a terrible thing to have done. Very sick and very strange.
I can't believe the people that actually find this funny... Or wish he hadn't been arrested...

You're as sick as he is. :/

You're right this not funny at all.

I can not believe it.

If he got horny he should have went to restroom to jack off, what an ass.

Why don't some men have respect for women

They put the ass in jail for long time.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Pervert. Lets hope its your mother next time or your little 9 year old sister. And it would be probably you who did it.Good then we can put you on the sex offenders register.Idiot.I hope you get banned.

Everytime I read someone pointing out the seriousness of something while many people are cracking jokes.. I calm my annoyance with a few simple facts..

Holt, Dan G.; Willard-Holt, Colleen; Humor: International
Journal of Humor Research, Vol 8(3), 1995. pp. 257-271. [Peer Reviewed
Journal] Abstract: Describes the interrelationships among
intelligence, humor and giftedness. Intellectually gifted students
possess a number of common characteristics, one of which is an
advanced sense of humor. Many theories believe that the key concept of
humor is understanding incongruity, and this involves a mental process
similar to problem solving. Research evidence on the relationship
between intelligence and humor is equivocal. However, many researchers
(e.g., Piaget) have related cognitive development to changes in humor
comprehension and in what is considered as humorous; the association
of humor with giftedness is also supported. Issues such as the
inconsistency with which researchers define and measure humor, the
distinction between humor appreciation and production, and differences
in humor related to developmental stages need to be resolved before
actual interrelationships can be understood.

There is no rationalization for that guy. What he did was stupid, sure. But there are two sides of this fence.. your side that loses respect for the human race.. and my side that finds humor in life because there simply isnt an answer for why this happened. Sure, you could diagnose and psychoanalyze the guy.. send him to prison..

But seriously, we're posting on a message board that has no bearing on what will happen to this guy. We dont know the situation. You know that saying that in an argument the first person to get mad loses? You fail. You're pissed off at a news story and also at someone who is laughing at how life is stranger than fiction. Congratulations on that, bud. You just said I'd jack off on my mom and sister... who has the sick mind here? Hey, let a mod tell you to shut it. :)
i'd take a shot on the hair for 200K


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Alternate replies which may or may not be considered humorous:

"I call bullshit! She didnt wake up!"

"One of the many problems when flying in coach. :("



"So it was just one person? Does that make it the 1/2 mile high club?"

Picture of the culprit:

"Police have concluded that the semen found in the hair was completely unintentional. Air pressure and speed played a major role in the trajectory of the flying nut and all charges have been dropped. On her hair."

"When asked by authorities what his reasoning was, the man had this to say:
I was just trying to fix the plane. You know these things are held together by duct tape and cum. I mean gum. I mean.. shit. You caught me."