Witness says Taylor Did Not Rape Teen


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Since many sports writers,bloggers & internet Lynch mobs have already judged & convicted Lawrence Taylor I thought this was a relevant story.

"It was weird.....we didn't even have sex"(Teen stripper to 23 year old female witness)


Another story I read also says the black eye was administered because of an alleged theft of marijuana by the teen stripper & maybe not by Davis.

The girl knew she was going to see LT & says there was only some 'rubbing' & no sex. Sounds like LT may have gotten a private lapdance & finished himself off.

Seems like LT''s biggest mistake was NOT CHECKING HER ID.

I(as well as many men) have had private encounters with strippers, but failed to check ID because one makes assumptions:dunno: or like in LT's case was blatanly lied to by Davis & the teen stripper about her age.

Don't take everything the cops & DA report as the Gospel.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Yeah, good thing for Taylor that his record is clean and he has no past record of impropriety... :rolleyes:

Dude is guilty.
I'm sure some old guy like Taylor just happens to like meeting young female strangers in odd places because he enjoys the conversations. If we all knew that we wouldn't be so hard on him. :rolleyes:
Since many sports writers,bloggers & internet Lynch mobs have already judged & convicted Lawrence Taylor I thought this was a relevant story.

"It was weird.....we didn't even have sex"(Teen stripper to 23 year old female witness)


Another story I read also says the black eye was administered because of an alleged theft of marijuana by the teen stripper & maybe not by Davis.

The girl knew she was going to see LT & says there was only some 'rubbing' & no sex. Sounds like LT may have gotten a private lapdance & finished himself off.

Seems like LT''s biggest mistake was NOT CHECKING HER ID.

I(as well as many men) have had private encounters with strippers, but failed to check ID because one makes assumptions:dunno: or like in LT's case was blatanly lied to by Davis & the teen stripper about her age.

Don't take everything the cops & DA report as the Gospel.

With statutory rape, there are no legally sound excuses. You can’t say “I didn’t know.”
Yeah, good thing for Taylor that his record is clean and he has no past record of impropriety... :rolleyes:

Dude is guilty.

Yeah, if a guy has a clean past you give him the benefit of the doubt but in Taylor's case it's hard to do.
If Lawrence Taylor didn't rape her then maybe the Duke Lacrosse Team did?


Closed Account
With statutory rape, there are no legally sound excuses. You can’t say “I didn’t know.”

Legally :dunno:

Morally this teen stripper skank admittedly lied to LT & claimed she was 19. What is the man supposed to do?

What if the ID is fake?

Hope LT skull fucked the skank.

He won't do much time.

Keep up to date with the trial. At worst he gets charged with solicitation or carnal knowledge. ALTHOUGH THE TEEN STRIPPER SKANK ADMITTEDLY LIED ABOUT HER AGE & WAS ALLEGEDLY BEATEN FOR STEALING MARIJUANA.
Legally :dunno:

Morally this teen stripper skank admittedly lied to LT & claimed she was 19. What is the man supposed to do?

What if the ID is fake?

Hope LT skull fucked the skank.

He won't do much time.

Keep up to date with the trial. At worst he gets charged with solicitation or carnal knowledge. ALTHOUGH THE TEEN STRIPPER SKANK ADMITTEDLY LIED ABOUT HER AGE & WAS ALLEGEDLY BEATEN FOR STEALING MARIJUANA.

She is being pimped out by a murderer and told to say she was 19 and she is the skank? I also don't buy the beating for stealing marijuana story, but even if true that is no reason to beat a 16-year old girl, let alone any woman, for any reason!
She is being pimped out by a murderer and told to say she was 19 and she is the skank? I also don't buy the beating for stealing marijuana story, but even if true that is no reason to beat a 16-year old girl, let alone any woman, for any reason!

Ummm, what if the woman hits you first? By law you are well in your right to beat the snot out of her if that happens.
Ummm, what if the woman hits you first? By law you are well in your right to beat the snot out of her if that happens.

If you are not physically strong enough to restrain a woman who hits you WITHOUT beating on her, I think that is pretty pathetic. Also I think if a woman hit me, and than I turned and beat the snot out of her, I have no doubt I would serve a nice little stint in jail. Beating woman isn't looked upon well in the state of WA, not sure where you live.


Hiliary 2020
The victim was forced to commit sexual acts and turn over the cash to her alleged pimp, prosecutors said.

Hookers usually pay money to pimps.
And she was a hooker, there's no doubt about that.

I don't remember the details but i do remember siding with LT on this.

I think this is another case of a man pleading to a lesser charge to avoid a possibilty of a long jail sentence thanks to messed up, unjust laws and social norms.
She was a hooker, she was 16.
He asked her her age, she lied.
with just that alone why would the state try to put the guy away for years on a sex with a minor charge?
He should have been charged with soliciting a hooker, which to me is a stupid law, and fined.
But no the state wants to suck him for all they can.