What's her name?

Does anyone know if this girl is a model, pornstar or just some flirting amateur?

The pic is taken from that facebook of sex advert that is strewn all across the cyber cosmos.

Commence Elvis impression: **Thank you very much** - Cease Elvis impression


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Re: What's her name?

**BLIMP** - "Bump's" chubbier brother, with a more carefree "There's no rush" attitude.
Re: What's her name?

Just to finish this thread off and to put you all out of your misery because I know you're all dying to know, I found out she uses the names Winter Michelle and Winter Pierzina.

Now. Can I rep myself? :cool:
Re: Beautiful busty amateur brunette ?? need to ID

She posted a message saying that she stripped to pay for her kid's braces or something.

Of course, this could all be bullshit, but it might explain why we haven't seen pro pics. Maybe stolen private shots that her chump boyfriend unleased onto the net :-D

She seems too young to have a kid old enough to have braces. She might have been joking around. If you look at her pics she seems pretty "hipster-ish" and probably has that weird sense of humor...

Anyway,has anyone found any of her flash videos where she gets her tits out? I've only seen one on that site that begins with 'daily' and ends with 'motion'.
Help ID huge tits brunette

I see this girls pic on the internet a lot, so this may be a repost. I just can't find her name anywhere...


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Re: Help ID huge tits brunette

Dude, I was about to ask for an ID on the very same chick! She on those bullshit "facebook of sex" ads. Probably used without her permission.