Windows 8 is clearly for tablets and Nokia phones. It is an example of giving PC users a lower priority and Microsoft willing to frustrate pc users.
With that said, I just started using Windows 8.1 on my new laptop. It is frustrating, but workable. I do not see it as a step forward.
-Needing to setup a Outlook account to login is annoying and it tough when I forget the password. Makes me chuckle when the fix is to go to the outlook website to get on...If I can't get onto my pc, how can I get there?
-There are two interfaces; Metro and Desktop, that act completely different. It is poor design and another reminder that Microsoft now considers PC users second class. Applications work differntly in each environment.
-Move the mouse/arrow to the right and it switched applications. Not a good PC design. That is fallout from the Nokia type interface. VERY tough for people to figure out.
-Many of the control panel stuff is just much more complicated to pull up since you have to navigate thru "Metro" to get it.
-You really can't do everything at once anymore. Try running the mail program while using IE...not on the same screen you can't. Step backwards.
-Try setting up multiple hotmail accounts in the mail can't ... or at least I can't figure out how to.
- Try restore files to the PC thru the desktop then try and multi-task and go to the Metro interface...CRASH goes to that restore.
-Funnies thing is check out the web. For every complaint or feedback from a customer there are 2 or three posts berating the customer's feedback. This appears to be Microsoft flooding the web with their people telling the customer that they are wrong or stupid. It has become a common practice, but in my opinion, it is highly unethical.
I've spent a few hours learning and searching the Internet on "how to's" and am able to navigate and use Win 8.1. So, I'm not banging my head. However, for the average Joe (and my wife)...what are they to do? It is a poor product that was introduced. It seems desperate to me. It is definitely telling PC users that they are no longer a concern to Microsoft.
There is so much "hidden" stuff in Windows 8.1 that I'm concerned about security. It may very well be leading to major hacks of people information.
I'm even annoyed with HP for selling me the laptop without a warning on the learning curve. HP also sent me a message that they don't care about me as a customer.
IMO, PCs are used for creation. Phones and Tablets are used for presentation. So, the PC is entitled to a separate operating system.