I dunno, this thread just seems to be part of porn-desensitization, are real girls not good enough?
well, thats just me
First ya gotta ask yerself...good enough for what?
How is there any kind of competition between them?
When one is prepubescent, any friendly attractive "in your house" cartoon babe (I speak from the hetero point of view) is easy to have and very non-threatening.
After a long period of being grown up, and having been thru hell dealing with
the real thing (can't live with'em and can't kill'em...ancient country wisdom
) one can't help but remember their childhood fantasy friends rather fondly.
I try not to dwell on why they are so hot; but Jane Jetson and Betty Rubble, not to mention Disney's posse of Princesses, are disturbingly attractive.And very low-maintenance!:rofl:
I do have over 360 photos in my little PhotoSuite slideshow,and not
one is a cartoon, although the background sound
is the theme from "Danger Mouse".
"Don't worry, be happy!"...Ancient Folk Song