Will Porn Users Go To Hell?


knows petras secret: she farted.
sure. with every single person that commits everyday sin like lust, saying the lords name in vain (oh my god counts), lie, covet what someone else has, etc.

:rolleyes: what a stupid thread.
Well it's pretty much impossible to go to heaven given the requirements. Also what was the dog's jesus if all of them go to heaven?

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
From, my understanding of the Bible, though, viewing porn WON'T send you to hell if you've accepted Jesus into your heart. Your sins are 'washed away'. But you should desire to do what God wants for you to be it if you truly to have Jesus in your heart.

Yes, and I think God wants us to watch porn, After all he did put Adam & Eve NAKED in the garden of eden. Why else then for them to get it on and him to watch?? :dunno:
I hope that, as a porn user, I will go to Hell, 'cause pornstars will be there too
I don't want Jesus in my heart and my sin's washed away.....
.....I want to be ridden by hells vixens in the pit's of hell for all eternity.
Will porn give me a free "Sky Miles redeemed" ticket to hell?

Hell = being recycled and spawned back here for another go round.

Meh guess it could be worse, like non existence in a pine box for the rest of time. I will be thrilled if I get to Heaven or Hell.
There is a town called hell in Michigan. A lil hole in the wall, with nothing but an Icecream shop and a bar, both with Hell themes. My girlfriend took me there last month. It was awesome. We got hammered, had some rocky road and fucked like rockstars in this trashy motel.

I don't know if all porn users go to hell. But have fun if ya do :) I did.
I hope not! We live in a fallen world. No matter how much a guy prays or go to church he is going to get aroused and feel lust. Thats what fuels the porn industry.

Maybe if there could be some kind of Christian sex stuff or something. That whole area is in any case controlled by the wrong side. Why should evil have a say in something that was given by God and Nature? :dunno:

:wave: Thanks for reading. :hatsoff:

Good point. I try to avoid hardcore stuff that is degrading to women. I look for softcore models who are feminine and sexy rather than slutty. Ladies you can fantasize about marrying rather than just having a one shot with. (My current favorite for this is Cassie Stevens of ukfantasywife.com)


No , there is no such place

Anyway if there was a heaven & hell , I think I would rather go to hell

Heaven sounds boring................:angels:


If Hell exists I hope to go there. So many interesting People: A lot of Politicians and Monarchs, most Popes, Pornstars, Rock Musicians...

And we could play Football (Soccer) with Hitler's Head...:D

Not Hitler he was a decent guy compared to Michael Jackson , lets play it with Michaels instead :thumbsup:


Not me I am catholic and will be in purgatory